Pickchar is a palette of some commonly used but sometimes hard to access characters that can be copied to the clipboard with a single click.
Pickchar is a palette of some commonly used but sometimes hard to access characters that can be copied to the clipboard with a single click.
Passphrases like correct-horse-battery-staple-blue are not only easier to remember but also more secure than complex but short passwords like pX#7k!g. Passsatz generates random suggestions from a collection of 7776 words.
Inspired by the dot matrix displays in Swiss trains, trams and buses, I developed a family of fonts at work and in my free time. Nose Transport is open source, so you can help make it better.
Campaign posters I created for Schweizerische Friedensbewegung.
The only calculation method I use very often is the Rule of 3. I’m bad at math, so I made an app for it.
Not all screens are well suited to display the macOS user interface. A pixel density of about 110 PPI for non-Retina displays and about 220 PPI for Retina displays is required for macOS to be readable and usable. If you deviate too far from these values, macOS will become blurry. Retinal helps you calculate where a particular display falls on the spectrum.
Some friends of mine really struggle with making small (and really not that important) decisions. So I made a Magic 8 Ball-like decision maker called Deciding for iPhone and Apple Watch.
As an employee of Nose, I often get involved with public transport. I designed the livery for this special hydrogen train, which has set a record. Video from Stadler Rail.